How End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne Helps You in the Covid-19 Situation?

Tenants have the right to get a germ-free house in this critical time. According to the Victorian government and rental agreement policy, every landlord has the right to get their property in the same condition as they have provided to their tenants. End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne helps you to complete all cleaning formalities with your landlord. No matter, if you’re doing it by yourself, tenants must hand over the key with a reasonable cleaning condition as per the bond. 

In this critical time, landlords are scared of this COVID-19 situation. They might request you to hire professional cleaners for your bond money. Tenants aren’t obliged to use the cleaning company suggested by the landlord. Few landlords can take advantage of their tenants and fool them by referring cleaning companies for their commission.

Tenants can make their own decision to book their end of lease cleaning appointment with any professional cleaning company like us-

How Should I Do End of Lease Cleaning?

Cleaning is an essential process while your lease is ending soon. If you’re doing the end of lease cleaning by yourself then the below tips will be very helpful to you.

  • Tenants must collect all cleaning tools such as disposal gloves, disinfection liquid, cleansers, scrubbers, fiber cloths, disposable bins, bleach, and other cleaning liquids.
  • Take end of lease cleaning checklist handy. Download your bond agreement document and read it thoroughly.
  • Make a list for packing, moving, and other repairs.
  • Start from one by one room. Don’t use any room after cleaning otherwise it will be messy again.
  • Move into the new house one week ahead so end of lease cleaning can be done without a headache.
  • Wear gloves and start cleaning your property.
  • Make sure to cover all surfaces of the property

Why Should I Hire End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne?

Most of the time, tenants are overwhelmed with their skills, as they’re doing their regular cleaning every week. It’s helpful at the time of vacate cleaning Melbourne but what about the other areas that might be neglected? End of tenancy cleaning required a little bit extra effort and time to reach their bond’s agreement level. Here are the few things that are always left behind at weekend cleaning.

Doors, Switches and Lights:

People never think about cleaning these regularly, as they look clean all the time. Real estate agent often finds an issue with the dust on doors, knobs, switches, lights, and handles. The landlord provides a clean house to the tenant by covering these areas and they expect the same from their tenants. Expert End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne has professional vacate cleaners who never miss out on switches and lights.

Carpet Steam Cleaning:

Regular cleaning involves vacuuming and wiping of the floor. Tenants may have reacted with their carpet stains instantly, but carpet carries germs, and stains deep inside. It doesn’t come out easily with the vacuum or stain removal liquid. Once a year, the carpet needs to be steam clean so it can kill all germs from the carpet and make it as new as possible. End of lease cleaning Melbourne helps tenants with professional carpet steam cleaning. You can better make sure that your carpet is clean enough and kills bacteria such as COVID-19.

Room Edges and Corners:

Floor vacuuming and mopping can clean the floor but leave the dust as it is on the corners. Professional vacate cleaners fill out this cleaning gap for you. People don’t worry about this dust in their regular life, but the landlord can raise a concern at the time of the end of tenancy cleaning inspection.

Blinds and Curtains:

People can spend up to 5-7 hours in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom cleaning, laundry, and gardening. Who can spend more hours cleaning and miss out on their family time? In short, blinds and curtains will get dusted regularly so it’ll require much more time to clean thoroughly. At the time of lease end, end of tenancy cleaners will do their best to clean curtains deeply. 

Window Sills and Frames:

Most of the time, people like their window mirrors cleaned at all times. Windowsills and window frame corners are often neglected by the tenants. End of Lease cleaning Melbourne covers windowsills in your vacate cleaning checklist.

Bond Money:

Tenant cleans their rental property to get their full bond money. If you’ve handed over the key with the cleaning, and the landlord finds some issues then cleaning has to be done again. A professional company like End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne offers a 100% bond back guarantee by their cleaning service. That means they’ll come again for cleaning if the agent finds any cleaning issues.

The government has taken off some restrictions for property inspection and renting in this COVID 19 situation. However, we should still protect ourselves and surrounding areas clean as per health standards. Professional End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne follows these protection and cleaning standards. Our expert cleaners cover all surfaces of the property and help you to get your 100% bond refund. 

How to plan End of lease cleaning
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